About Springhouse

Life pushes back against a story that excludes it.

Meg Wheatley

Life is powerful beyond measure.

Springhouse got its name because its purpose is very similar to an actual springhouse. A springhouse is built around a fresh spring of water that comes up from the ground. Its purpose is to protect the precious resource of water, making it useful to others. The school Springhouse has the same intention – but with people. We know that if we protect and take care of the preciousness of each person, they come alive. When we know our own preciousness and take care of it, we naturally protect and care for the preciousness of others. Over time, this grows more vital communities and, eventually, a more vital culture for all.

Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We are committed to our vision and mission for the long term. As a community, we have intentionally discerned our next steps and have created a strategic plan that will guide us as we move toward our vision of a world where all life thrives.

Springhouse’s Next Steps for 2024-2029

Economic Sustainability

Develop a sustainable economic approach that ensures long-term accessibility and viability and contributes to the economic health of our regional community

Local and Global Vitalization

Foster vitality in our local and global community by expanding the age range we serve, becoming a dual language school over the next five years, providing adult education locally and globally, and initiating a Community Roundtable for leaders in our region


Build a network of vitality-centered learning communities worldwide, beginning with five partners by 2029

Environmental Accountability

Be more environmentally accountable as a learning community by becoming carbon-negative in 2026, creating ecological standards for consumption, and stewarding a biodiverse and pollinator-friendly campus


Share a compelling narrative through a clear and consistent communications plan and through inspiring and informative media from our community print shop.

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