Our Economic Approach

No one is turned away due to a lack of funds.

Springhouse programs are available to anyone who wants to practice living in ways that take better care of Life.

Though our programs have fees, we are committed to accessibility – no one is turned away for financial reasons. See our specific offerings for tuition rates. If you cannot afford the rate listed, please reach out to Chris Wolf to discuss.

When you contribute, financially and otherwise, you are investing in a vision of a world where all life thrives, and you are participating in a community that is working toward the cultural renewal needed at this time.

Springhouse is financially supported through program fees, grants, business sponsorships, and many individual donors. We are especially grateful for those who support our work through a recurring donation which moves us toward sustainable growth. Regularly support our work by becoming a Springhouse Partner!

Our economic approach is built on

relationship, trust, and transparency.




Relationship is foundational to our economic approach. When we meet, human-to-human, we build trust and have more honest conversations about financial resources.

We trust that we will be supported as a growing and thriving nonprofit. We have faith in our work and the Life that moves through us all. We build trust by holding others’ vulnerability with confidentiality and care.

We are transparent with our budget and needs. We ask our community to be transparent about their circumstances and expect honest and timely communication if financial commitments cannot be met.

The Springhouse Budget

Every year, our staff and board come together to create the budget for the next fiscal year. Each line in the budget is carefully considered and informed by our experience operating since 2014. The budget reflects the projected inflows and outflows for all that Springhouse does. Click here to view a more detailed budget spreadsheet.

2024-2025 Fiscal Year Total Income & Expenses: $611,334

We are supported by a local and global network, including the following foundations:

Schwartz-Gralla Fund

Liana and Jeff Brady Family Foundation

Whole Kids Foundation

Bauers-Wall Fund, CFNRV

Learning for Justice

A project of The Southern Poverty Law Center

We are also grateful for those who support our work and wish to remain anonymous: You are greatly appreciated!

Our Annual Report

Who are we at Springhouse and what do we envision? What have we been up to in the past year? What has been the impact of our programming? What’s next? Find out in our 2023-2024 Annual Report below.

AnnualReport2023-2024 by Carolyn Reilly