Adult Programs

There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium – and be lost.

Martha Graham

Adulthood spans across decades of a person’s life, and each stage of adulthood holds different needs, challenges, and gifts.

It is essential that adults have the support of a community as they get to know themselves more fully and practice listening for the ways they are called to bring their unique gifts to a challenged world.

The adult programs at Springhouse provide the opportunity for adults to strengthen their sense of identity in creative and life-giving ways in whatever unique stage of life they are in.

Adult Programs & Opportunities for Learning

Young Adults 18-26

Soul-Discovery Print Shop Programs

Adults 27+

True North: Leading from Within

School Trips

Sacred Learning Journeys

Short-Term Programs

On-Campus & Online

“Springhouse reminds me of such life-giving agricultural systems. Each practice of the school focuses on creating intact, healthy individuals, able to be free and productive in who they are, while being responsible for the well-being of the whole. A vibrant, healthy community is created where there’s a beautiful and generous, unrestricted flow of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical resources between people. Resources of each individual become useful to and part of the whole. So much life becomes possible in such a space. And this is what I want to align my dreams with and become part of this community of health, generosity and life, ‘cup spilling over’ and positively impacting those around them.”

Helen F.