Adult Programs

There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time. This expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium – and be lost.

Martha Graham

We live in a world where more and more adults worldwide report feeling lonely, uninspired, and discouraged.

Adults who find their way to Springhouse tell us that they feel disconnected from themselves and their purpose, with few opportunities to build a deeper and stronger relationship with themselves in a long-term community.

If you don’t know the kind of person I am

and I don’t know the kind of person you are

a pattern that others made may prevail in the world

and following the wrong god home we may miss our star.

William Stafford

Adulthood spans across decades of a person’s life, and each stage of adulthood holds different needs, challenges, and gifts.

It is essential that adults have the support of a community as they get to know themselves more fully and practice listening for the ways they are called to bring their unique gifts to a challenged world.

The adult programs at Springhouse provide a consistent place for adults to practice staying awake to the power of life within themselves through life-giving practices and with the support of an authentic and committed community and mentorship from Springhouse staff and peers.

Sacred Dance

We dance regularly at the Springhouse campus to summon the vitality, courage, and joy it takes to serve a world in need. We invite anyone who wants to reclaim a relationship with their body and take care of the life within to join us. Sacred Dance is held twice each month on Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm. This is a sober environment for adults.

Seasonal Meditations

Each season, we come together online to celebrate the seasons of the Earth, which remind us that change is constant and a natural part of life. We listen to poetry, sit in silence, and share reflections. Join us seasonally, Monday - Friday, from 7:30-8am ET.

True North

True North is an 8-month, low-residency program for spiritual seekers. Remembering the preciousness of this life starts with getting to know our own preciousness. Though it is a journey we take on our own, we cannot do it alone.

Leaders, Educators, and Artists

Springhouse offers opportunities for those who identify as community leaders, educators, and artists to grow in their leadership and artistry in ways that move us toward our shared vision of a world where all life thrives.

“Springhouse reminds me of such life-giving agricultural systems. Each practice of the school focuses on creating intact, healthy individuals, able to be free and productive in who they are, while being responsible for the well-being of the whole. A vibrant, healthy community is created where there’s a beautiful and generous, unrestricted flow of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical resources between people. Resources of each individual become useful to and part of the whole. So much life becomes possible in such a space. And this is what I want to align my dreams with and become part of this community of health, generosity and life, ‘cup spilling over’ and positively impacting those around them.”

Helen F.