Springhouse’s Generative Economic Model 

Trust ~ Transparency ~ Relationship 


Trusting in the Chaos: Theory to Practice 

Chaos is transformation. 

As Meg Wheatly said, “When chaos erupts, it not only destroys the current structure, it also creates the conditions for new order to emerge. Change always involves a dark night when everything falls apart. Yet if this period of dissolution is used to create new meaning, then chaos ends and new order emerges.” Complexity theory also tells us that chaos and complexity eventually give rise to order, patterns and structures. 

That’s all well and good to hear but when I experience chaos, usually the last thing I want to do is trust that order will arise. In fact, on my worst days I immediately go to controlling my thoughts, behaviors and actions, as well as the people and structures around me. 

Transformation and chaos, however, cannot lead to something new within myself without a committed self-reflective practice. Transformation and chaos are not always the most comfortable processes. In fact, when I’m tired, I’d much rather stay in the comfort of old patterns and ways of thinking. Yet that’s where the committed practice and trust comes into place. I can talk about the theories and stories around my old ways of thinking, but when push comes to shove, I need a grounded practice daily that challenges my ways of thinking. Although each day looks a little different, my time alone in silence every morning grounds me for the potential chaos of the day.

As the amazing author bell hooks points out, we can easily stay in the theory but the real transformation comes in the practice, “When we create a world where there is union between theory and practice we can freely engage with ideas. Our thoughts then are not abstract meaningless currency, of use solely to those who seek to live their thinking lives in an academic environment removed from the ways and workings of everyday life.”

For me, practicing is the way I both trust and commit to living into new patterns and structures. When something becomes challenging and complex, I try to remember that chaos in the natural world has order, and so I keep practicing.

With gratitude and trust, 


Generative Development Lead 

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