Springhouse’s Generative Economic Model 

Trust ~ Transparency ~ Relationship 


I love a good makeover TV show. The old house that is remodeled to a comfortable new home. The chaos of an unorganized closet transformed to a color-coded, neat, and usable tool. An “unstylish” person granted a new haircut and clothes. Ta da! Transformation, just like that! 

Those makeover stories can feel like magic, but I’ve learned the real magic starts a bit closer in. 

I invite you to recall the story of Cinderella.

Cinderella was not invited to the ball. She didn’t have the resources to buy a ballgown nor was she nominated for an appearance in Queer Eye. What she did have was a deep connection with herself and magic. Cinderella believed she belonged at the ball, and it was a result of her desire that the fairy godmother appeared. The relationship to herself is the real makeover story. 

Relationships are an integral part of the economic model at Springhouse, and a generative economic model must acknowledge relationships on every level. Building a relationship with ourselves (especially a relationship to money) might not always feel like we’re on the set of Extreme Makeover with the big reveal, but it’s that relationship which allows us to more fully support the whole. It’s there that the real magic begins. 

With gratitude and trust, 


Generative Development Lead 


One of the pillars of our economic model is transparency. We value transparency as an integral way to build relationships and trust. We share transparently about what Springhouse gives, what Springhouse needs to support our offerings and growing community, as well as our budget. 

Each month Springhouse shares transparently about our resources in terms of the people that support us, the physical resources we have, and the money we spend and receive. These resources, along with mindful attention or prayer, help us continue to carry out our mighty vision of building regenerative culture. 

People- Relationships (August 2021 to date) 

Volunteers: 30 

Adult Program Participants: 175

Day School Learners: 35

Youth Program Participants: 8 

Physical Resources- Place-Based (August 2021 to date)  

Thank you to Susan Huff, from the Soup Shop, for donating delicious soup and dips for our staff retreat! 

Thank you to Ian Reilly for his help with snow removal. 

Money (August 2021 to date)

We are halfway through our fiscal year! We greatly appreciate all the investments made for our day school and adult programs, along with contributions to the whole. There are many ways to support Springhouse, and money is an integral resource to continue our mission and vision. 

To be sustainable, we must have a financial reserve. The Board and staff have determined that 6-month expenses will serve as that financial reserve. We currently are in the process of calculating this number. More to come next month!

Current cash in the bank: $230k

February Invitation: Donors are a vital element to the health and well-being of our organization. The commitment of monthly giving deeply strengthens our work in carrying out the mission and vision of Springhouse. You can give a one-time gift or become a monthly supporter and contribute to our organization’s vitality. Give online at springhouse.org/donate/.

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