Springhouse’s Generative Economic Model 

Trust ~ Transparency ~ Relationship 


Stephen Jenkinson in his book, Money and the Soul’s Desires, mentions that sometimes when we talk about money we use words that invoke a watery quality. 

Liquid asset.

Go under.

Stock market flotation.

Resource flow.



I view the Springhouse resource flow as a water cycle. Water flowing in and out; hydrating, watering evaporating, and returning to where it started. Here’s the thing about water though… you can’t keep it in one place for long and you can’t control it. Water in a pool becomes stagnant without flow. Releasing control requires a lot of trust. Trust in ourselves, trust in others and trusting the water we’re in.

Antonio Machado talks about this very thing in his poem about being out on sea.

Mankind owns four things 

that are no good at sea: 

rudder, anchor, oars 

and the fear of going down.

When we choose to set sail, trust allows us the space to float on the ocean without fear or control. We let the ocean take us, eyes and hearts open, choosing to trust in ourselves, our community, and in the ocean.     

With gratitude and trust, 


Generative Development Lead


One of the pillars of our economic model is transparency. We value transparency as an integral way to build relationships and trust. We share transparently what Springhouse gives, what Springhouse needs to support our offerings and growing community, as well as our budget. 

Each month Springhouse shares transparently about our resources in terms of the people that support us, the physical resources we have, and the money we spend and receive.  

We’re grateful for the abundance of this place and community as well as the financial support that helps us continue to carry out our mighty vision of building regenerative culture. 

People- Relationships (August 2021 to date) 

Volunteers: 20

Adult Program Participants: 127

Day School Learners: 35

Youth Program Participants: 8 

Money (August 2021 to date)


Current cash in the bank: $199,047.66

December Invitation: We have specific needs to carry out our mission: people, physical resources, and money. We have launched our end-of-year giving campaign to seek financial support and raise $25,000 by December 31st. Our economic model is rooted in trust, transparency, and relationships. We trust that our needs will be met because we know that what we offer is needed. We also rely on the wider Springhouse community in sharing the message and needs of Springhouse with their networks. Please join in our efforts to share Springhouse’s message of Light in the Dark.

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